Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pythagoras Day

It may be nine days until Christmas, but today is the day to celebrate this December. It’s Pythagoras Day: 16/12/20 Why? Well 162 + 122 = 202 and A Pythagorean triple is a set of 3 integers (whole numbers) a, b & c such that: a2 + b2 = c2 And its nearly five years until […]

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Covid 19 stats, part 4

Some good news. For the first time since mid-March, excess deaths are below the five year average. Regular readers will know that I have been tracking “excess deaths” (based on data provided by Office for National Statistics ) as it strips out any debate as to whether a death was due to Covid 19 or not. […]

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A niche joke

In the Philippines, two fifths of the band play on. Forgive my indulgence – a rather niche joke. Where you fall in the Venn diagram below will determine whether or not you are enjoying a quiet chuckle right now. Related posts: Holy Venn Diagram Whimsical and self-deprecating Pint, anyone?

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Whimsical and self-deprecating

Forgive me for being a little self-indulgent today. I am very chuffed and rather proud to have been featured in Mr Barton’s Podcast, as one of three recommended websites or blogs by his interviewee Rob Eastaway. Many you will know of Rob Eastaway, but for those of you who don’t, he is an author and […]

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The confessions of a maths teacher – how I slept my way to success

The confessions of a maths teacher – how I slept my way to success. It may just be that all our work scrutiny, all that triple marking, all that group work and all those verbal feedback stamps have, at best, merely been tinkering around the edges, covering over the cracks, re-arranging deck chairs on the […]

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