Category Archives: Uncategorized

The rise and rise of A level maths

Whose doing what – data on exam entries for Summer 2024

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Well behaved …

Mea culpa. In my time, I may have made a few things up. I’ve “created” a new meaning for the verb: “to pythagorize”, and I regularly tell my students of the “Forgotten Formula” (The first: to pythagorize means to “to philosophize in the manner of the Pythagoreans”. In my classroom it means to use or […]

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Heroes and Gifts

I don’t really “do” heroes, if I were to compile a list of my heroes it wouldn’t be long, but it would include Martin Lewis, of Money Saving Expert fame – he talks sense, knows his numbers and genuinely tries to make the world better place for everyone. He’s been in the news and across […]

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A glimpse of the future …

I’ve glimpsed the future, or, perhaps more accurately, I glimpsed my future. And it wasn’t a happy sight … October half-term, a chance to catch your breath after the excitement of the start of a new year begins to wane, but the pace doesn’t. A chance to ask: “Where did the time go? How did […]

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Top Ten

“Ping” Just before I was due to teach Period 1 this morning my computer chimed, announcing the arrival of (yet another) email. Thinking that I might be able to action and delete it before the lesson began, I clicked to open it. I’m glad I did, its the best email I’ve received all week: Good […]

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