Just before I was due to teach Period 1 this morning my computer chimed, announcing the arrival of (yet another) email.
Thinking that I might be able to action and delete it before the lesson began, I clicked to open it. I’m glad I did, its the best email I’ve received all week:
Good morning
Knowing you find beauty in football and maths alike, check out the top ten in league division two. Perhaps you have already!
Have a good day,
Well, Year 11 could wait – I scuttled over to the BBC Sport webpage and checked the standings at the top of League Two:
Now, I’ve no idea if this has happened before, or how likely it is to happen (and I’ve no idea how one would even begin to work that probability out) but it made me smile, perhaps it will make you smile too.
Dear Maths Teacher,
Never happened in one of the top 4 leagues in any of the UK countries , the last time this happened was after TWELVE games apparently.
Keep this flowing – but I am disappointed that you can’t work out the probability on this.
What necessary words… super, remarkable idea