Author Archives: A Maths Teacher

The rise and rise of A level maths

Whose doing what – data on exam entries for Summer 2024

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Outstanding coursework!

Weaning myself off school and education at the end of a busy half-term, I found myself scrolling through edu-twitter and reading of a suggestion that coursework may find its way back into GCSE maths. Being somewhat long in the tooth and grey in the hair, I remember “teaching” maths coursework and I don’t think I […]

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The Professor and his protégé

Herr Schmidt was tired. Tired of the cold, tired of the class of forty-seven pre-teen children that sat before him and, he surprised himself to think, tired of his protégé. In fact, the more he pondered, the more he realised it was his protégé that was the root of all his problems. Life had been […]

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Saving the best ’til last

As the year draws to a close, it throws up perhaps the best date of the year – if you write it in the American (month/day/year) format. Today is the 31st December 2023, 31/12/23 to those of us in the UK, but across the pond today’s date is written as 12/31/23. Dispense with the slashes […]

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Heroes and Gifts

I don’t really “do” heroes, if I were to compile a list of my heroes it wouldn’t be long, but it would include Martin Lewis, of Money Saving Expert fame – he talks sense, knows his numbers and genuinely tries to make the world better place for everyone. He’s been in the news and across […]

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