
socks on a line

Mr. Mobius is a maths teacher. A very good maths teacher. A very good maths teacher who likes colourful socks.

But he does have some rather, shall we say, odd ways.

When he hangs out his colourful socks to dry he likes them to be hung on the line in a certain way.

Not for Mr. Mobius a neat collection of ordered pairs.

No. When Mr. Mobius hangs his three pairs of socks out to dry (one blue pair, one red pair and one green pair) he likes them to be arranged on the line in a certain way.

He likes, no, insists, that there is one sock between each blue sock, two socks between each green sock and three socks between the red socks.

Can you arrange three pairs of socks to satisfy the laundry requirements of our favourite maths teacher?

Why not get some socks and try yourself (or, better still, get some socks, pegs, a washing line and a child and encourage them to solve the ‘sock problem’.) Maths isn’t just sums on paper!

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